Consultation and Advice
Do you need help?
Besides building instruments Mark is also working as a trumpeter in leading ensembles and orchestras and he has been teaching the trumpet to all ages and levels for over 25 years, including teaching positions at the music university of Utrecht and Seoul (SK). Because of all these activities he knows how it is to sit on a stage, depending on the sum of equipment and the players technical abilities and preferences. He has a unique view on how to balance the equipment to the players needs and technique.
Because of this unique skillset there is an increasing amount of trumpet players that visit for technical advice and possible adjustments to their instruments. When Frits Damrow (former Solo trumpet player of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra) visited for exactly this in december 2022 he was so satisfied with the consultation and changes to his instruments that he adviced Mark to offer these consultations as a seperate service because he had never before felt so understood and helped. He made it very clear that he was sure that this service could be very useful to others.
This made us decide to free up one morning a week to offer this service to anyone interested. You can book a slot and bring all your instruments. Together we look where improvements can be made and if possible do that there and then on the spot.
The hourly fee for this service is €85/hour excluding possible used materials.
Please feel free to contact us if you are in need of consultation and/or advice regarding your instruments, mouthpieces, technique, etc.